St Catherine of Siena – Doctor of the Universal Church

Catherine was a visionary who possessed the gift of foresight, and the charism of prophecy. She demonstrated these skills through her intuitive insight! She was a prophet – a teacher. Interestingly, Bernard McGinn (1999:132) and Karen Scott (1992:37), both refer to Catherine of Siena as “Apostola.” She was a teacher and mentor responding to “direct visionary contact with God to authorise … [her] teachings” (McGinn, ibid.). “Her leadership revolved around her ministry of discipleship” (Cameron, 2012a) and she traversed the countryside with her loyal band of followers – her disciples, proclaiming and being witness to the Good News of salvation. Giuliana Cavallini (1979, cited in Noffke, 1980:xvi) maintains that, “Today’s … [leaders are] ready to meet Catherine. Women and men … can find [in her] an ideal model to imitate” especially in her visionary discipleship.